Nothing too much to say.. just want to bubling here.. huhu! hrm,now, im at home.. with my grandfather and my grandma.. also with my big bro and my sis,Ana.. (not mysis upsi k..huhu)..now,my sis already sleep..same goes to my grandpa and grandma.. they all sleep very early..now,im just listening to my brother.. KROOH..KROOH..(berdengkur malam2..huhu..kuat gile!) haha..and listening to water dropping from my bathroom and CHIK3!! (sound of lizard) cicak kate betol! huhu..
A very silent night..while others sleeping, im typing on my "NGADE"lappy..(sbb dye suker merajuk!).. want to drink a cup of coffee.. but,all my house were dark right now..so,im afraid..HAHA! (penakut sket..hihi..)afraid to go to kitchen! imagine of everythin' that i watched from HORROR movies before this! huhu.. so, better i'll be with my lappy only..hehe..(^,^)
Hrm,i want to share to you somethin'.. are u love to dance?k-pop dance?haha! me and my friend love to dance! but only at our room..not the outside like club or anything else.. We just dance when we were too happy.. or too stressed! haha! we just dance according from a You Tube.. mostly from K-pop music like 2pm, 4minute, SHInee, BIG BANG, KARA, T-ara and lots more..huhu! i feel that sometimes its a litle bit help when we were stressed..but the first one when we stressed, we must pray to the our creator..Allah s.w.t..Ask for his Forgiveness..maybe we make some mistakes without realize it right?because we just a human being in this earth..
Actually,i love to bubbling on my self.. while im driving, while im walking..haha! but im still normal..huhu..but,its only happen when im in a "Mereng" mood..kui3..hrm,so,i think i had to go..not go to sleep anymore..just want to dreaming..flying to DisneyLand..haha! want to meet Mickey, Snow White, Johnny Deep..(haha...betol ke ak ni)..k la, daa..Salam..
p:s : men tenet je keje ak,study dok lg..ish3!(>,<)n thanks for mr.google for that pic!(^^)
hohooo...dance..like it..
ReplyDeletehahahhha,,,,membubbling ker,,,keh3
ReplyDelete~bebunga lily~ : yup,i love it too!hehe..(^_^)
ReplyDeletecikgu mat : haha..ak hentam je..tak tau membebel dlm bi ape,so ak tulis membubbling..haha..pdhl mksd bubbling dlm bi,berbuih2..tp lebih kurg same la kn..membebel smpi berbuih2..haha!(^0^)