Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ngomelan Stress!!

cawan ksygnku! hoho! 

Saya rase stress! Sakit kepale! Rase mcm demam! adkh itu stress? blurp!!


daa~ ni sume slh ak jugak.. sape suh tangguh kerja.. kan da bertimbun.. ha, mule la gelabah.. adoii.. tak senonoh kn? hrm, pastu, mule la off phone.. membebel sorg2.. hehe.. kawan2 ak yg laen, ak tgk, dorg relax je.. xde pon gelabah cam ak.. peliknye.. hrm.. tp, rse nervous tu normal la kn.. klu kite risaukn sesuatu perkara sbb kite risau ianya x perfect mcm kite nak, konfem kite risau.. xkn la kite rase senang hati plak kn? itu klu nk difikir secare logiknye la..

Klu nk diikutkan, esok ni ak kene anta keje RBI ak ni.. assignment timeline.. tp, ak g ber"blog" plak kat sini.. pejadahnye cik bay oii.. esok mule la nangis.."menyesal la.." ape la.. "klu wat awal xkn jd macam ni la.." mcm2 la ak membebel nnt... huhu.. tp, memandangkan ak ni tgh stress, ak kene cari medium yg boleh hilangkan stress ak.. so, ak cme membebel kt sini plak setelah penat bebel sorg2.. kawan ak, ifah, pun da bosan dgr ak mengeluh la.. mengomel sorg2.. hehe.. so, di sebabkan ak kesian kat dye, ak pun mengomel kt korg yg bace blog ak ni plak.. hahaha.. 

Hrm, hajat nk ponteng kelas esok.. bley x? ak da plan ni.. cme x terlaksana je lg.. kertas keje utk ponteng pun da siap.. (maksudnye : assignment x siap).. :P so, ak kene tunggu matahari terbit je utk memastikan rancangan becoh ke-10 ni akan terlaksana dengan jayanya atau terpakse menempuhi pelbagai risiko dr puan2 polis. (kawan2 ak pakse ak g kelas..) Sesungguhnya kawan2, niat & perlakuan saya ni jgnlah ditiru, tidak baik utk kesihatan peratusan kedatangan anda. Biarlah ak sorg2 demam peratusannye.. kui3.. betul la kn? mende jahat, kite x baik pelawa kn? mende baik kite kene alu2 kn.. kn? hehe..

So, ad byk lg ak nk mengomel ni.. tp, ak rse mcm nk ngomel panjang2 pun x sempat la.. sbb assignment pun x siap lg.. nnt entry blog plak lg panjang dr assignment ak.. ha, pe citer? berat boih.. kan? huhu.. so, ak nk sambung wat keje ak jap.. nk g bancuh nestum skali sambil gne cawan Old Town White Coffee.. hoho! (pd pecinta Old Town, sorry, sy gne cawan Old Town utk minum nestum.. kekeke.. bukan pe, ingt nk beli Coffee gak, tp, lupe, nestum je ad.. so, hayati nestum mcm hayati Coffee jela.. bley kn? hehe..) So, pada kawan-kawan ak yg tengah struggle gile2 skang ni wat assignment tu, ak harap korg wat yg terbaik seperti boboi boy! Curahkan usaha anda! Tendangan kematangan seperti papa zola!! hehe.. k, adios amigos.. gua berambus..

Assalamualaikum.. & Salam Assignment!! (^0^)!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Fasting Day~

Bukak pose kt Kuantan.. kt Padang MPK.. hoho.. best gak! ramai tol org yg bukak pose kat situ.. memandangkan mak sdare ak ajak, ak pon pe lagi.. "ON" je.. hehe.. so, kitorg pon g sane.. dalam kul 5 bertolak, kul 6.30 smpi.. hohoho.. smpt la nak membeli kt bazar ramadhan.. dekat je pon.. masjid pon dpn padang je.. mudah la nak solat Maghrib kt situ.. hehe..

Angah & kimi..

Hoho.. peace!

Yes! x lame lg nak bukak pose da! wuhuu~ 

ramai kn? ni sblm azan..

Baby pon berpeluang bukak pose "open air" hehe..

Haziq lapor.. hehe..

Sekian! ^^

Ni antara gambar yg sempat ak tangkap mase kt sane.. ( sempat je klu ak.. hoho..) sepupu2 ak.. n ad gak adik ak.. yg paling besar tu, adik ak la.. Angah! hohoho!! Macam2 ad kat sne.. mmg nak tergoda gak la iman.. hoho.. air je bermacam jenis.. apatah lagi makanan.. air 1 malaysia pon ad.. camne tu? hohoho..

sampai je sane, agak susah la nak cari parking.. sbb byk sgt kete.. klu sume bwk basikal kan bagus.. hohoho.. tp, xkn la baby pon nak nek basikal kn? daa~ tak logik tol becoh ni.. kitorg pon parking depan muzium yg ad kt dpn padang tu.. x jauh pon dekat je.. (^,^)

Mase org azan Maghrib tu, ak tgk sume muke excited gile.. tunggu nak makan je.. hehe.. terutama budak2 la.. hahaha.. seronok gak bukak ramai2 ni.. rase mcm meriah je! sume happy je ngan family masing2.. yg budak2 pas berbuka, maen kejar2 terus.. mcm sepupu ak ni, puas ak kejar.. adeh.. tp, pape pn, Best! Next Ramadhan, kalau rase nak berbuka kat sini, dtg je.. senang je, kuar exit gambang.. straight je ke bandar.. konfem jumpe! free je! jangan lupe bwk tikar! (^,^) x pon, bwk nasi lebih.. hoho.. bukan pe, takut nasi x cukup.. :P

k, Salam Ramadhan dari Baycorh! ^,^ Adios..

Friday, July 22, 2011



Hrm.. don't know why? i'm feel something uneasy right now.. maybe because i think about it.. but, it's really makes me frustrated.. someone is already promise to me, but, he broke his promise! huwwaaa!! i'm feel so sad.. feels like want to jump to the drain! ( drain only.. not the building.. hehe..) He already make a word to me, that he will take care of his gf.. but, seems like.. hrm.. eventhough it's not happen to me, but, i'm feel it.. i'm feel like i want to cry.. eventhough, "why should i cry? when it's not me?" but, the women hearts so smooth & fluffy.. so, that's why maybe i'm also feel the same way.. and last night, i'm dream about it.. i dream about him with the new girl.. but, not his gf.. what??! feels like i want to shout at him "why u do like this to her??! how could u??" i'm sure that the new girl didn't know about that guy already had a girlfriend.. coz, in my dream, she look like a nice girls.. not like me, the "mereng" one.. so, it's impossible for her to snacth away others bf.. right? hrmm.. eventhough, it's only in my dream, but, im feel like i watch in HD.. hoho.. huarghh! what a nightmare! hrm.. ( or is it will be reality? i'm also don't know.. )

Friday, July 1, 2011

Julai! wuhuu~

Salam.. yes! dpt gak tulis blog di 1 Julai 2011 nih! hehe.. Alhmdulillah.. hari yg baik utk tanamkn azam baru! hehe.. ( sbnrnye, setiap 1 hari bulan, ak mesti brsmgt! x tau nape.. mungkin sbb ianya adalah "1"! hehe..) dan sebab nape ak ske bulan Julai adlh, ad bufday ak! wuhuu~ sgt shilonok! tp, rse mcm takut plak.. sbb sambut bufday ni, ak rse macam menakutkan.. sbb ianya mengingatkan ak tntg.. satu perkara yg sume makhluk dlm dunia ni takut iaitu.. "DEATH"!! hrm, klu death note betul2 wujud, abis la org lain.. sng je kene bunuh ngan Akira kn? euuwww, takut i! hehe.. mujur la ak x cukup femes utk Akira knl ak.. hehe..

nyum2.. bykknyer strawberry! ^,^

Hrm, bile ak ckp tentang Julai.. byk sgt hal yg berlaku bulan Julai.. antaranye, TARAAAA!! Esok, my friend, Kak Ada, kawin! Yeay! Tahniah K.ada & pasangannye.. hihi.. Moge berbahagia hingga ke akhir hayat.. Amin~ Pasni sy plak.. ahaxs! (>,<) And ad lg.. bulan 7 ni, sy ad TWIN! huhu.. tp, bukan twin towers.. klu nk wat towers, kene wat 4 towers.. sbb ad 4 kembar! hehe.. 1, kawan sy, Suhada Kasim, kawan skolh menengah.. dr form 1 smpi form 3.. hehe.. dpt gak hadiah t-shirt dr dye.. hehe.. twin la katekan.. ^,^.. sorg lg, Suhada Sukri.. wuhuu~ name same nmpk! haha.. hrm, ni kawan time U.. wah, tak sangke kitorg lahir kat hspital yg sme.. ntah2, kitorg da berkenalan mse baby dulu! hehe.. and sorg lg, Tuan Zahira.. ha, ni bufday sme, tp umor x same.. dye mude dr sy.. tp, ad gak sy dpt hadiah dr dye.. huhu! cantik! terpahat name I disitu.. hehe.. Thanks to all my twin.. sbb sudi kongsi tarikh ngan sy! hehe..


Hrm, ape lg ek? haa, kebiasaannye, ak mudah tertarik pd org yg lahir bulan 7.. wah! ntah, rse mcm, haish, mungkin sbb bulan yg sme kot! hahaha.. rse mcm berminat je nk berkenalan.. hrm, both of them la.. keh3.. ( well, jgn layan sgt.. ak tgh mengarut ni.. ) Ak ad satu lg idaman, haa, guess what?? ak setia tunggu dye.. hari2 ak tunggu.. oh, Lollipop! hehe.. bile la ak nk beli Lollipop ni.. wlpn x advanced mcm henset laen, tp ak ske.. sbb ianya KAWAII! hehe.. daa~ ( asyik2 ckp psl lollipop kn? daa~)

comel x henset ni? hehe..

okla.. mase utk makan! hehe..

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Putih ( demok! )

Hrm.. sedihnyer! nak mengadu kt spe? sume org bz.. isk3.. kucing ak pon bz gak.. sibuk mencari awek + memburu tikus! hrm.. thedeynyer! nak ngadu kt spe?? uwaaa!! ak insan yg terpinggir! uwaa!! Hrm, skang ujan lebat giler.. sme je mcm hati ak.. tgh menangis.. "mcm faham je hujan ni kn?" huhu.. uwaa!! pape pn, ak tgh sedih!! ari ni plak ak dpt satu mslh! iaitu, ak terpilih oleh slh satu phk bank ni.. dye kte ak terpilih utk insurans.. juz byr RM25 je sebulan.. daa~ ak pon terlalu "cerdik" sgt smpi setuju ngan pe pihak bank tu kte.. pdhl sbnrnye ak blurr mse tu.. and ak tak nk pon insurans tu! warghhh!! ak slalu kene perkare camni!! why?? "you tell me tell me why? WHY??" ( smbl wat gaye kumpulan Beast lgu Mystery ) hrmm.. thedeynyer! skang ak kene tepon blk pihak bank tu, sbb ak tak nk insurans tu.. mak sdare pon x galakkan.. sbb dye terus tolak duit dr bank.. warghh!! sedeynyer!! ari ni mmg blurr giler la..

Yo Seob! dimana kmu?? uwaaa!! Yo Seob pn da hilang.. asyik bz wat show je.. frust tau! :P Nasib baik la line x wat hal.. lau x, mmg ak bertambah1000x sedih! uwaaaa!! well, ak nk citer sket dikala ak tgh sedih ni kn.. ak sedih mengenangkn kisah2 lame.. hrm, kisah lame mmg sedih la.. kisah pe? hrmm.. kisah tntg kehilangan.. kehilangan pe? kehilangan org tersyg.. hrm, beliau telah kembali ke Rahmatullah seminggu seblm ak berjye menjejak kaki ke menara gading.. sedihnyer kn? hrm, nk wat camne.. arwah ibuku da lame menderita kanser usus.. so, skang harapan keluarga adlh ak! wah, BESARnye tanggungjawab ak! sbb kene jadi contoh pd adik2.. jd, klu ad mslh, ak xley nk tunjuk sgt, sbb ak kene jd role model.. bg org len yg hdp senang and still ad parents, hargailah mereka.. sbb kite sendiri tak tau, kebahagiaan yg Allah bg ni smpi bile.. hrm.. 

Btw, ad lg citer ni.. tp, mls r da nk citer citer yg sedih.. nk citer yg biasa2 je.. yg ak rse biasa je.. haha! ( eh, terlupe.. ak tgh sedih kn? isk3.. ) hrm, tntg kucing ak, iaitu putih! tp kekadang ak panggil dye "demok2" hahaha.. sbb dye debab, perut bulat! hehe.. geram tau! huhu.. pantang je bukak pintu bilik, konfem dye wat investigation dye.. abis sume dye selongkar.. haish, tu la yg xdaye tu.. ntah bukti pe dye cari ntah! haha.. maybe citer2 dye nk bekerjasama ngan polis kot.. jd kucing penyiasat! :P

tgk je la pe da jd pd tikus tu? hrm..

da letih la tu.. adeh.. tp, tgk la dye pegang pe? tikus???

ni aktiviti dye.. bermain ngan myt tikus? euww?? seram x??

lagak wira... ceh! haha..

wah! siap ad lap ag! hahaha..

skill tu penting! ^^

"jgn sesape cube merampas dye!"

adios.. tamat lah riwayat tikus tu.. hrmm..

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Awak Comel!!

Hoho.. not so much work left for today.. i guess so.. ( actually, its so much!  hoho! ^^ ) and i'm just felt like i'm a little bit lazy these days.. don't know why.. maybe because of doing the same thing all the time.. wake up in the morning, take a bath, breakfast with "cekodok", tidy up my bed and left to Hardware to help my grandpa.. then, at the 7 or something, i'm back to home.. at night, just stay up in my rooms, playing with my self until feel asleep.. hoho! kecian kn? but, only sometimes, im watching tv coz usually im tired.. but, not today, coz im online right now.. hehe!

And right now, im still thinking about something.. i'm really want it.. i had think about it from the last year.. and i kept thinking about it, until i'm dreaming about it! guess what?? it's Lollipop! hoho!! not that candy, but, it's a model of handphone from LG's.. huhu.. i love it so much!! can someone give it to me? hoho! although it's not too update like I-phone and Blackberry.. but, did i care? haha.. as long as its cute, then, i will fall in love with it! haha!! So, i think that, i want to buy it, if i've got the salary next month! hoho! forgot to say, now im helping my grandpa, so, of course i've got the salary too.. hehe.. but not to much like the others get! but, it's still worth right? as long as i've got something than nothing! hoho!
hoho.. this is the one that i want!!^^

it's come in a cute colour!

look! it's simple and cute! ^^

and guess what?? the wallpaper and interface also cute! that's the most i want!^^

hehe.. and that's BIG BANG!! holding for Lollipop! yeah!^^

BIG BANG and 2NE1.. so, i must got it!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Malam yg sepi~ pi.. pi.. pi..

Malam yg sepi.. pi.. pi.. pi.. hihihi.. adesh, ak x ngantuk da sbb ak da tido td.. bangun2 je g dapur.. makan biskut tawar & air teh.. tgh2 mlm buta camni.. tp, ak x g sorg2.. ak buat2 panggil tok ak.. "tok!" mujur le tok ak jawab.. "ye!" hehe.. lega rsenye.. xdela rse keseorgn sgt kt dapur tu.. hehe.. hrm, ak duk kt meja mkn.. smbl minum teh yg da ad sisa2 biskut kt dlm tu.. ( haha.. da bese da camtu..). Ak minum dlm cawan Old Town Cafe.. yg free punye.. hehe.. betapa ak sukaaaanya pd cawan tu.. hehe.. 

Nak tgk tv, tp rse mls plak.. sbb adik ak tido terbungkang depan tv tu.. sian plak ak tgk.. adik ak yg sorg lg tu, tido kt ruang tamu.. kaki atas kerusi, badan kt lantai! warghh!! bersepahnye umah!! hanye dengan adik-adik ak tido!! huhu.. dorg mmg x ske tido dlm bilik.. ske tido bersepah-sepah.. hihi.. ikut keselesaan masing2.. x halang pon.. nak tido kt dapur pun boleh.. ahaxs! tp, trpkse berdepan ngan makhluk2 yg ad kt sne.. huhu.. maklum ler, umah kampung.. "mcm2 ada!"..

Ak plak dok on9 kt sini.. hehe.. musuh ak, encik Nyamuk.. ad gak dtg serang ak.. perghh! sje cabar keimanan ak.. tp, ak relax.. cool.. gunekn akal fikiran yg waras smbl senyum senget.. hihi.. " ak ad ridsect, ko ad??" hehe.. jd, tamatlah riwayat mereka.. hahaha! Perang dimenangi oleh Si Becoh.. si kalah terpakse berdepan ngan kematian.. hohoho.. ( jahat giler ak! tp, spe suh gigit kaki ak kn? habis kaki i merah2 tau.. hahhaa..) 

10 minit kemudian..

fuh.. fuh.. fuh.. haha.. smbg blk.. haha.. sorry2.. ( smbl wat tarian sorry2 super junior..) td, check comment kt fb.. haha.. ha, ckp psl fb ni.. haish, byk den nok cito nih! hehe.. xdela.. ak ske bce komen kt fb.. kadang2 kt fb gak kite tau kebenaran tntg sesuatu yg tak pasti.. hehe.. well, selain kt fb tu, ak slalu update status ak kt twitter.. haha.. kt situ lagi la kbnrnnye.. hahha.. fuh, mlm makin sepi.. ak dgr bunyi jam dinding plak.. pastu bunyi cengkerik.. bunyi lori.. padahal jalan raye besar jauh dr umah ak.. ( maknenye mmg sunyi..). Wargh, adik ak bergerak2!!! ak rse dye berjaye gerak 360 darjah lau camni.. haha.. ( analisis adik sedang tido smbl pegang pen n kertas..) hehe..

adeh, maaf la korg.. ak mmg ske merapu camni.. tp tak beerti ak ske menyapu.. hehe.. haish, alangkah bahagienye dpt tulis kt blog! hahaha.. hrmm, ak ad impian nih.. ak nk beli enset lollipop.. adesh.. tp ak g pilih sony vivas.. aish, ak x ske touch screen.. sbb kene lembut.. haha.. ak ni ske yg ad keypad.. hahha.. tp takpe, nnt ak da ad duit, ak beli sendiri naa.. ( lmbt lg la jawabnye..huhu..)

k la, sesi menyapu da habis.. ak terpkse kembali ke alam khyln ak.. Becoh in Wonderland.. wow, ak byk temujanji mlm ni.. nk jmpe Doraemon jap.. pinjam poket dye.. nk somewhere jap.. hehe.. k, gud nite sume! Moge cuti2 ni kite akn lbh semangat! kuruskn badan! putihkn kulit! ceriakn senyuman! then, chow sin chi!! adios.. n Salam.. (^_^)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

HERO ku!

Tokki ku Hero ku!

wah, rse mcm nervous plak nak tulis kt blog nih.. hehe.. hrm, ak nk tulis pe ek? (slalu blur bile nk tulis blog..hehe..) ok la.. ak cume nk citer sket je.. smlm, ak naik bas ngan kawan2 ak.. kitorg nk g hantar assignment.. almaklum la, kami ni selalu la hantar keje lambat.. x tau la camne.. ak yg penyebab lmbt tu.. hihi..ish3.. tp,ak ni, lau bab2 g jalan, laju je.. haha.. ok, mse on da way tu, ak duk kerusi kedua depan, so, ak dpt la tgk muke pemandu bas tu.. tibe2 je ak rse sayu.. hrm.. sayu gile! isk3! sbb ak tgk, dye kurus je.. kulit gelap mcm tokki ak.. pastu nmpk urat2.. mcm orang tua la.. (mmg da tua pun..) rambut pun da byk uban.. ak jd sayu je.. tgk dye bwk bas.. ak teringt tokki ak kt kampung.. hrm.. tokki ak pun mcm dye.. bekerja keras.. hrm.. ( termenung jap..)

dengan x semena-mena, ak rse mcm menyesal sgt.. sbb ak rse ak blom bersungguh-sungguh blaja kt u ni.. ak rse ak byk main daripd buat keje.. bile ak terkenangkn balik tokki ak yang "hardworking" tu.. ak jd mcm, "cah, ape yg ko wat ni cah? org suh blaja.. bukan main2! duit yg ad tu pun, simpan.. jgn beli sesuka hati.. beli ikut keperluan!".. ak jd mcm flash back! teringt sume nasihat2 yg tok and tokki ak bg.. aiyoo.. manyak sedih woo.. klu korg ad kt tmpt ak, mungkin korg akn fhm kot.. sbb keluarga ak bukanlah keluarga yg kaye raye pun.. cume x la susah sgt..

smpi ari ni, setiap kali ak nk mls, ak tgk pakcik driver.. ak bygkn tu tokki ak.. (tokki ak keje kt hardware.. da tua2 pun gagah lagi tau! hehe..) tp, ak sedih tau.. tokki ak jenis yg terlalu bekerja keras.. bile tanye, "tokki, dah2 la tu.. g la rehat.." hrm.. nk tau pe tokki ak jwb.. " ni untuk kesenangan awk jugak.. keturunan kite.." UWAA!!! sedeynye ak.. bygkn lah.. tokki ak fikir jauh sgt.. patutnye, tokki ak da boleh duk umah, goyang kaki je.. tp disebabkn dye rse tanggungjwb dye belum selesai, dye gagahkn diri dye gak.. even sebenarnye, x perlu da lakukan sume tu sbb sume da ad kerjaya masing-masing.. da boleh hidup sendiri.. hrm,ak plak sbg anak muda ni, rsenye kdg2 tu lupe tanggungjwb ak.. yg ak ni pun ad keluarga.. n akn jadi pewaris utk jge kepentingan keturunan ak.. UWAAA!!  

betape besarnye tanggungjwb ak.. org lain da laksanakn tanggungjwb mereka.. ak plak, tanggungjwb ak plak skang ni, cme blaja je.. capai CITA-CITA dan IMPIAN.. then, becoming Successfull girl! and boleh bimbing keturunan ak plak.. so, i need to change! bukannye susah sgt pun.. berbnding ngan org lain, ad yg hidup kais pagi, mkn pagi.. adik beradik ramai.. hrm, dugaan mereka lg besar.. so,jgn mengeluh! Cabaran ni sbnrnye mematangkn diri ak sendiri..

kata-kata smgt itu penting!

and about love plak.. ak fhm, tok ak mmg terang-terangan x bg ak bercinta time blaja ni.. bukan pe, tok ak tau.. ak ni mudah terbang.. melayang-layang.. berangan kuat! hehe.. mcm sblm ni, ak ad suke kt sorg.. and bile dpt tau dye x ske ak.. mule la frust.. fikiran terganggu.. frust menonggeng.. status kt fb pun tntg perasaan je.. dgr lagu pun, lagu sedey2.. makan pun kdg2 termenung.. hahaha! hrm, that's why tok ak x bg.. itu belum ak bercinta.. bru nk cuba2.. itu pn da frust.. pe cer beb?! camne plak klu betul2 da bercinta then break-up, x ke ak jd mereng.. hahaha.. so,about feeling ni, kene fikir leklok.. maybe sometimes it can be our inspiration, but sometimes, its also can harm our self.. so,our life is long way to go.. byk lagi yg kite kene kecapi.. doa pd parents jgn lupe.. even my mom already gone.. hrm.. Al-fatihah~

so,gotta go! GAPAI IMPIAN n CITA-CITA!! Insyaallah boleh!
usaha + tawakal + doa = berjaya.. amin!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Welcome.. welcome.. to the new new world!! ( lagu sistar.. push2!) hrm.. ngantuk gile bos.. thp ape pun ak x tau da tu.. ngantuk gile.. da la byk gile assignment.. adoi.. mmg mengantuk.. ape2 pun,ak akn cube manfaat mase dgn sebaiknye.. hihi.. iaitu,dengan tido kejap...


p:s : tgh2 taip pun ak bley tertido.. >,< tata sume.. tido dulu.. slm.. ^,^

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tolong!! Mood sy hilang!!!

Woo.. woo.. woo.. (T.T) sedeynyer!! ak ni mls sgt skang ni.. woo..woo..woo..!! mls sgt nk wat assignment!! tolong!! nape ak mls sgt??!! ak ad slh mkn ke?? UWAAA!! (keadaan menjadi bertmbh rumit!) mlsnyer!! ak betul2 xde mood nk wat keje!! HAISHH!! bile mood ak nk dtg ni??ak da nk gile thp guling2 atas lantai da ni!!

Doraemon!! Tolong la bg sy pinjam poket awk!! sy amat perlukannye skang!! tolong la doraemon!! bg sy alat yg membolehkn sume keje sy dpt siap ngan cepat!! dan ubat yg boleh menjadikan sy lebih bersemangat!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

I love CAT!!


Salam.. want to share to you all something.. last night, after i've just go back from eating with my friends, we found one female cats.. it's pregnant! and was eating biscuit on the floor.. hrm, SO SAD!! that cat's eating very slowly.. feels like it was in a pain or sad.. i feel like want to cry at that time.. coz as a human being, it's make me to think about what's Allah give to us is more much better!! got to eat delicious food! hanging out with friends! but,still not feel Thankfull if there's only a little bit problem..

im so sad.. please take me! (T.T)

am i too scary??grrr..( if the real tiger,i also would be run! hehe..)

I love cats so much! even though, some of my friends don't like cat! coz they were afraid with cats.. maybe they think cats as a TIGER!! AUMM!! hehe.. but, u know what?? cat was very cute!! and can make me feel warm.. hrm.. when i was little, i always sleep with my cat.. hehe.. when i woke up in the morning, there's she sleeping beside me.. hehe.. so cute!! watching it's sleep with the FURRR sound.. hehe!! so warm!

owh.. im so sleepy!! gotta sleep friends! =p

me and my Teddy!! nyamannye dunia..hehe..

And i do read some of the articles, it's said that, playing with our pets, can make us feels better and also can relieve stress!! SEE?? animals is not harm us! but warm us! hehe.. so, got to love animal!! ^^ and i love cats! but,at my home, all my cats were died.. coz they have an illness.. i don't know why.. but,i feel so sad! and i buried them at the back of my house.. Now, in my house, there's one little cat, the white ones! hehe.. it's comin' to our house.. and we are almost WELCOME to her!! hehe.. and we named it, "debab!".. coz it's debab! hehe.. but, i don't have a picture to show to you.. coz it's come to my house when i want to go back to TM..

 am i cute?hehe..

urgh.. on these sunny days, it's would be great having an ice-cream! yummy!! ^^

So,to all the readers, don't hate cats.. they also have a feeling like us.. want to live a better life.. maybe they cannot give us what we want, but it's can give us warm and a very faithfull listener! So, im gonna shout, I LOVE CATS!! ^0^ salam..

welcome to the world of cats! meow!! ^^