Thursday, July 19, 2012

Salam Ramadhan to all My friends!

Ramadhan is coming! and for tonight is the first night of Tarawih! weehuu~ I'm so excited! and did you know that, i'm happy too coz i'm 90% finished paint the kitchen! with the green and peach colour! so cool! feels like want to cooking! haha..

And for all my friends, i'm sure they were happy too! because in Ramadhan, all the wise things we do, we will get double pahala! wah! So, here, i'm asking for your forgiveness if i've done wrong to you! and if u reading this, i'm begging for your forgiveness if i've make mistakes to you before this. And for sure, i will love all my friends! because Islam taught us to love each other.

So, here again! Salam Ramadhan and happy fasting! Hope this Ramadhan will bring a lot of Barakah to us. InsyaAllah. :)



Tuesday, July 17, 2012


I don't know.
Scared of Losing.
Losing the one that i love.
My grandma.
She's had pneumonia.

Ya Allah, please.. save her! I love her so much!
I hope this is not the last Ramadhan me with her! Amin~


Sunday, July 15, 2012


The most part that i hated is, when everyone is talking about u. But, they didn't know the truth! Arghh! Try to walk in my shoes, then maybe u will react the same way. Don't just judge someone by their appearance and by the blowing wind. Did u know, most of our word actually is DOA? that's why we must be careful with our word. I'm telling this as my reminder to my self. Because i'm also a human. And still.. not perfect.

And that's why also, we have to be strong in this life! strong enough so that we can just ignore the "trash word". Ignore here doesn't mean we didn't ignore them. But, we ignore all the "trash word" and just walking forward! To be success, the word "ignore" is one of the jutsu in my vocab! What u feel when someone just ignore u? that's the power of ignorance! but, i'm not asking to ignore the people. We just have to make some trash for that "trash word". Throwing it at the right place. And take the "gold word" in the pocket. Got it?

But, sometimes the "trash word" would be useful! Believe it? it's like can be recycle. It can be as our "goblet of spirit" when we burn it! Run with the goblet of fire like a hero! hehe.. So, gonna make it as our inspiration to make us move foward fastly like a light! change the word "obstacle" to "springboard" to make us fly more higher! weehuu~!! LET'S GO!!

jutsu of ignorance!

the real world! for the "trash word".

change the obstacles to the spring board!

wuu.. the "trash word" had been burned. and it's turns out a "POWER". enough to make us to move foward fastly!

Ignore.. ignore.. ignore.. 

*pic from google. 

Friday, July 13, 2012

When it's comes to Saturday~

Finally, Saturday! The one that i waited for holiday. But, for today, just staying at house. My grandma already said to me to tidy up the house while she's going out to hardware. Argh! but, it's would be exciting if i can tidy up this house alone. Because i can decorate it by my own self! weehuuu! so, let's start it from my own bedroom. Then, the kitchen! wanna make it like a Star. Shining brightly. Hehe. And then, decorate outside the house.

If i was a little child like the 1999. The first thing when i wake up at the Saturday is switch on the tv! Watching cartoon with my cousin! The best thing ever! or if my aunty free on that day, we will go for picnic at the beach! that's why i love nature so much! because they already taught me to love nature since i was small! so, please, i do don't like too much to go shopping rather than going out to the beach to watch His creation! Subhanallah! it's so beautiful! The most place that i always go is Teluk Cempedak! it's only take 1 hour and 15 minit from my house. Wanna see it? this is picture when i went there yesterday with my grandma and my friend, Lola. Haha. at first, i was the one who drive. At last, Lola was the big driver. I was staying with my camera beside her. Huhu.

here, Kuantan! 

If u want to take a river cruise. Just drop by here! :)

eagle! it's so easy to see eagle here! want to see they caught fish? just come here!

from river cruise. we can see beach there!

a lot of boat there. from Terengganu, Pahang & Kelantan.

Here, esplanade kuantan. 

here, Teluk cempedak!

can't swim when there's rain. 

K, if u want to see more, let's go to Kuantan! K, adios..

Assalamualaikum. :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The 4 things!

Morning! have a nice day for today! wake-up, get a bath, and here we go! find the happiness!

Yeah, before this, i had Down. Very down of something. So, let's find the happiness! don't just ask for it. Go and find it!

The happiness here is just do anything that u want. Grab every opportunity to show who your self actually! And for today, there's something that i want to share with you.

1) never let down your parents!
2) never tell a lie.
3) always positive and brave!
4) always thanks to Allah s.w.t and never forget Him!

All those things is very important! it's lead us to who we becoming at the future! sharing is caring! :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Assalamualaikum w.b.t~

Hrm, mostly post sebelum ni just berkaitan perasaan je kan? boring kan? so, rsenye nak kongsi sket ape yg da sy blajar tentang Seramik. Hehe.. Best tau blaja seramik ni. Maen ngan tanah. Talk to them. Layan dorg ngan baik. Hehe. (psiko).

Nak tgk tak studio seramik kami? ha.. jeng3!

Ha, ni the last day. Assessment day. Pergh. sentap! Tu dr.tajul tgh review.

okay, ni namenye teknik tekapan. kite tekap je atas apa2 yg kite nak tekap gne daun je. lg senang. asalkan ad urat2 tu.

Ni nabel punye! unik kan? banyak hiasan telinga. hehe.

Ni sy punye! haish.. pecah tu. tp, sy da sambungkan smule. :) Teknik raku

Shue adda sukri punye. Teknik raku.

ha, terbaik kan? ni en.azman punye. Hoho! warna dye mmg superb! cantik! 

teknik kepingan. 

teknik picit. comel kan? kreatif tu penting! nabel gak yg wat ni.

alat ni mmg sgt2 membantu.

Fuh, bercahaya! baru lepas bakar!

bila angkat je, jd burn. 

selubungkan dgn habuk kayu. then, ia akan dpt hasil2 crack tu. 

Fuh, stkt ni jela.. ngantuk la plak! tata.. Salam. :)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Rase sedih plak!

Uwaa.. rase sedih plak! Sbb kene balik kampung. Tinggalkan Tanjung Malim ni. Sob3. Sy syg Tanjung Malim ni. Tp, sy rindukan Kg. halaman jugak. huhu. Berbelah bahagi antara dua. Macam2 kenangan kt tanjung Malim ni. Ad la jugak kenangan pahit, jatuh moto. huhu! Tp, x sakit sgt.. malu lg sakit. :P

Byk plan yg sy da plan. (ape punye ayat ni?) Bile duk kt Tanjung Malim, konfem mcm2 plan terlintas kt kepale sy. Tp, tu la.. selalunya x ter'realisasi' pon. Cume skdr terlintas di fikiran je. Bile da nak balik kampung, mule la menyesal. Mcm skrg. Huhu! duk kt sini kelebihan dye, ad internet, byk mende sy boleh blajar ngan tenet ni. Haha. (tipu2, pdhl fb je.. huhu). Tp, tu la, tanggungjawab bukan stkt kt sini je. Tanggungjawab tu besar. Kat kampung still ad tanggungjawab lagi. Ha, so, nak x nak, kene la be strong kan? Jauh lg perjalanan.

Rasenye dlm sem ni, mcm 2 kali je sy balik kampung. Org kat kampung pon da rindukan sy. (perasaannye.. huhu..). Well, mase cuti tu, byk sgt kawan sy yg kawin. Argh! Tension betul. Sy calon pon xde lg.. kekeke.. (koya je). Xpela, sy bahagia je asalkan org sekeliling sy bahagia.. hehe. Sem depan pon x masuk lagi. As usual, skang pon sy da tanam azam baru! X nk buat keje last minit da. Kalau boleh nak yg terbaik. Haish, mule la risau ngan result nnt. Entah bpe la sy dpt. Tp, tu la.. waktu sem 3, result sy jatuh sket. Tp, still 3 ke atas.. cuma.. x best la kan.. org laen sume meningkat! siap dpt dekan lg. Fuh, jeles2. Rase mcm nak menyamar je jd org laen. Huhu. Tp, apakan daya, jd diri sendiri lg best sebenarnya! :D Setuju x? hehe..

Duk kat sini, byk mende kita boleh explore. G je meronda sesuka hati. Isi minyak moto full, then, we gonna ride! YEAH! ha, part ni the best one! mende yg kite x tahu, kite akn tahu. Memerhatikan gelagat org. Then, sedikit demi sedikit, kita akan cuba memahami org laen. That's life. Tapi, kalau kt kampung, ssh la sket kan.. tanggungjawab laen. Nak kuar pon xley lame2, nnt family risau. So, klu kt sini, kuar je ngan kawan2. Time ni la kite nak bina pengalaman. Bukan senang nak cari pengalaman. Saintis pon xdpt cipta "pengalaman" tu. :D So, jom je kite adventure all the things yg kite rase nak sementara kite still bergelar "student".

K la, setakat ni.. Chow.. Nnt sy smbng celoteh lg k! tata! Slm.. :)

Kalumpang! :D

Awan pagi2 mase naek train! :D

Ulu Yam! best gile air kt sini jernih beb!

Menikmati suasana damai.. ni kawan sy! :D

Monday, June 11, 2012

Keindahan Tasik Proton City~

Hoho! sje je sy nak citer pasal keindahan Tasik ni.. bukan pe.. klu nak hilangkan stress, ni jela tempat nak g. Tmpt laen, jauh sgt. Tp, for sure, mmg best la kan klu dpt g air terjun ke, pantai ke.. hoho! Ni antara gmbr yg smpt sy snap mase kt sane. G sane kejap je.. naek moto je.. Pemandangan pon menarik derr.. best la klu dpt umah kt situ. Nyaman je. One of my dream to have green around me! yeah!

tenang je. hoho..

blkng tu ad bukit bukau. mmg.. tenang~ :)

kami pergi sane around kul 6.30. so, tgk awan cam cun je. Alhamdulillah.. :)


Da masuk maghrib. cantik kan! merah!

odw nak balik.. smpt lagi snap atas moto. hoho! tp, signal kiri la.. stop & snap. :)

So, sape nak g tenangkan jiwa. g la petang2.. tp, sbnrnye ad satu lg tempat yg best.. x silap sy, Ampang Pecah kot.. mmg cun tempat dye! lagi heaven! yg tu, mmg sy suke! tgk sunset! weehuu!!
See on da next post! :) Slm..

Monday, May 14, 2012

Hace Hoceb Photography~

Have you heard about levitation photography? there's a lot of interesting things when it's comes to this gravity. This is where's some picture that i take. Have take a look. Maybe it's not too interesting, but, i'm newbie and i will keep it up my art work! Yeah! 

This is my friend, Nabell. Haha~ My talent! This captured in RBI studio.

Walking in the air~ (tp, x bpe jd.. nampak cam pijak kt tanah gak kan?)

Sampai sini je.. nak smbung wat keje lak.. tata.. :) Assalamualaikum.. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Kuatkan Semangat!

Ak sepatutnya kuatkan semangat! Ak perlu.. kalau x, tok ak mesti sedih. Nak mengejar cita-cita bukanlah semudah yang disangka. Semua orang tidak yakin dengan kebolehan ak. Jika tiada yang mempercayai, ak seharusnya mempercayai kebolehan ak sendiri. Berusaha demi masa depan! berusaha demi harapan tok ak! Tok ak dulu pon hidup susah.. ak skang hidup dlm zaman penuh kemudahan, xkn itu pon ssh nak menggapai kejayaan. Tapi, kejayaan yg ak maksudkan kat sini adalah kejayaan dunia & akhirat. Berjaya di dunia tak semestinya berjaya di akhirat. Tp, ak xnk mcm tu. Kalau boleh, ak juga nak berjaya di akhirat dan dipertemukan kembali dengan keluarga-keluarga ak disana.

Walaupun tok ak skrg sakit, ak x sepatut jatuh terduduk. Tp, ak sepatutnya berusaha utk tunjukkan tok ak yg ak boleh lakukan sebenarnya. Supaya, bile dye pergi, tiada lagi kerisauan berada diwajahnya. Yup, ak kene kuat semangat walaupun ak hampir lumpuh dlm meneruskan hidup ni. Mungkin ni adalah dugaan Allah terhadap ak utk lihat sama ada ak ingt kepada-Nya atau masih leka dgn duniawi. Ak percaya, Allah xkn turunkan dugaan pada hamba-Nya yang tidak mampu menghadapi dugaan-Nya. Insyaallah, ak akn cuba hadapi semua ni dgn baik. Insyaallah juga ak akn berusaha menggapai cita-cita ak demi mase depan ak & juga impian tok ak..

demi mu, tok..

Ak pasti boleh~ Sesungguhnya Allah yang menentukan segalanya.. Ya Allah, permudahkanlah segala urusanku.. Amin~

Saya syg sgt tok sy!

Malam ni mmg malam yg paling sedih wat ak.. ak betul2 x percaye & ak harap sume ni mimpi.. Hari ni, pak sdare ak & mak sdare ak dtg melawat ak kat tanjung Malim ni. Mulanya, ak mmg gembira sgt.. tp, akhirnya, ak jugak yg mengalirkan air mata bila ak dpt berita yg ak paling xnk dgr kt dlm dunia ni..

Kitorg sume mkn kt kedai bwh pokok. Mase tu mmg seronok sgt.. ngan Nabel, Shu, Kinah, Dila, Ifah.. sahabat ak dari sem 1 lg. Tp, bila da nak abis mkn tu, pak sdare ak ajak duk sblh dye. He want to slow talk. Ak da x sedap hati da.. mak ayu pn pandang mcm aneh gak. Pastu, dorg pon terangkan sumenye. "Tok Sakit" "doktor kate da xde harapan, mungkin jangka hayat kurang dari setahun." Ya Allah.. luluh jantung ak.. ak cuba act cool, tanye macam2 soklan.. smbl2 tu minum air. Doktor kate ad kuman dalam paru-paru tok ak. Da xde ubat. Cme tunggu mase. Ak mase tu harap sgt ni sume mimpi. Ak mmg terkedu. Tp, Ya Allah, tahan je.. buat2 ckp smbl tengok tv.. tp, apekan daya, ak mmg da xdpt tampung air mate ak.. kat kedai tu jugak nangis.. laju je air mata.. rse down gile time tu.. (T.T)~

Mak sdare ak pesan, "slalu la tepon tok & balik umah.." & perkara ni tok ak x tau pon yg tok ak sakit sbnrnye.. tok ak siap ckp kt ak.. "esh, tok da sembuh da batuk.." ngan nada yg gmbira.. ak.. ak.. Ya Allah, dlm hati, tahan jela cah.. Keluarga sume tahu tentang ni.. termasuklah tokki ak.. skrg, kt mane je tok ak nak g, tokki ak mesti bwk. Ap je yg tok nak, mesti dpt.. Nape la ak xde kat sisi tok ak time ni.. ak nak sgt tido sblh tok ak mcm dulu. Bila ak ngigau, tok ak la kejut ak.. ak klu takut, ak akn jerit, "tok!". Klu org laen, msti da jerit, "mak!!" kan? mcm tu la ak syg tok ak..

Dulu, tok ak pernah kena breast cancer.. & right breast tok ak pon da kene buang. Mungkin disebabkan cancer tu dulu la kuman tu merebak. Ak rse ak yg bersalah sbb ak sepatutnye ingtkan tok psal jage pemakanan even tempoh rawatan da habis. Tok ak klu luaran, mmg nmpk sihat. Tp, dye sakit sbnrnye.. Ak klu boleh, tiap kali ak balik, ak nak teman tok ak g masjid. Tu harapan tok ak.. tok ak nak sgt g masjid ngan ak.. tiap2 malam.. Tiap kali balik, ak akn tunaikan permintaan tok ak.. Tok ak sendiri kutak tahu dye sakit, sbb lau dye tahu, ak takut tok ak akn patah harpan sbgimana tok ak kene cancer dulu. Ak xnk sume tu berlaku..

Kalau boleh, biarlah ak yg pergi dulu.. tp, apakan daya.. sumenye ketentuan Allah. Ya Allah, sembuhkanlah tok ak. Ya Allah, jdkanlah ak cucu & anak yg solehah. Ak harap sgt ak akn jd cucu yg terbaik tuk tok ak. Time kasih sgt2 tok jage ecah.. Walaupun ech ni la yg tok paling kerap skali marah, tp, ech yakin echlah yg paling boleh jaga tok.

tok,ech syg sgt kat tok!!!!!!!!

Ya Allah, sembuhkanlah tok ak Ya Allah.. Kuatkanlah semangat  ak hadapi sume ni.. Ak mohon kepadamu Ya Allah~ (T.T)~ Ak sendiri mmg berharap sgt keajaiban berlaku.. hrm.. Ape yg ak ley kate, ak terlalu sgt tok ak.. ak xnk tgk tok ak g dulu.. Ak takut ak xdpt nak hadapi perkare tu.. takut sgt.. Hanya Allah yg tahu..

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Today is friday~

What i'm gonna say is, i'm gratefull today coz i've got all of these from Him. Thank you Allah.. My family, my friends, and all my things are from Him. And the most important things, i'm still alive until today. Thanks to give me a life that were so precious. I'm really-really appreciate it. To be in this world were just temporary. Akhirat is the one that we look for. So, all the things that we do in this world is a ticket for us to be happy or else in Akhirat. If we did good, the we will receive a good result in Akhirat. If u ask anyone, all the people will said, they want go to heaven. Same goes to me. But, did we do all the things that we should do to go to heaven? or we still against Him?

Let's us take a second to think about it..

( in front of my house)

Assalamualaikum.. (^_^)~