smile always! (senjata rahsia)
sy ske pic ni!! ^^ comel la yo seob!!
arghhh!! ottoke???!!
peace!! ngee...=P
wah!! dye pandang sy la!! haha..(over la ak ni)
tgk rambut dye! ade saranghae!! ^^ love it!!
Utk pengetahuan anda : pic2 kat atas tu adlh Yo Seob! from BEAST!! ^^sy suke sgt dye sbb dye sntiasa cheerfull!! hehe..^^
Yup! So simple! hehe.. i love being simple! not too ladies, not too boyish! just in the middle! hehe.. (ap yg ak mengarut ni??) k, as usual.. i have a new hobbies! POST and DELETE!! hehe.. yup! that's my favourite right now! because im too bored here! watching tv, eating, sleeping, shopping! hrm.. all that's stuff make me so bored!! i want to fly! fly to Seoul! as 2PM song! hehe.. (if i have a lots of money!)
Actually, i want to talk about love or Saranghae! hehehe.. Saranghaeyo!! yes!! i will said that to my future husband! (if im gonna to married soon) hehe.. gatalnyer coh!! uwekks!! ok,when im talk about love, there's a lot of my friend had a boyfriend! some of them always happy with them, and some of them always fighting! but, that's always LOVE used to be right? not all the time we will agree with each other, sometimes there's also a lots of misunderstanding.. and "that'' misunderstanding will leading to CLASH! OH NO!! hrm.. so sad!! woo.. woo..(T.T)! Pasangan yg baik adlh yg boleh terima diri kite seadanya dan saling melengkapi serta membimbing antara satu sama lain. Chewah! hihi.. (sumber : Dr. Siti Nur Cinta..hehe..)
Okeh, this are some tips to know your love one! hehe..
1 ) check his/her facebook, twitter, myspace and all social network! (u must know his/her name 1st!)
2) get her/his phone number!
3) try to talk to him or her.. ex : hye,ad nota x?nk pinjam boleh? (pdhl kite da ad nota pun!hehe..)
4) u must know all his/her favourite! such as,what is the most he/she like!
5) try to gift him/her something that he/she like! such as (ntah la,ape2 jela yg anda rse dye suke..hihi..) tp if girls,usually they love Chocolate or Teddy bear! or something that you create on your own effort!
6) be friend on all his/her all social network! haha!
7) be a good listener!
8) always take care of him/her! such as always send cute message or something else that funny or cute!
9) dont forget to wish his/her birthday! make some nice present! ^^
haha..that's all that i can tell you, the rest, u must do on your own! Jodoh ketentuan di tangan Allah s.w.t.. Kalau org yg kite suke tu, x suke kite, dont be sad.. Ad jodoh x kemane.. ke Jinjang pelamin juga akhirnye.. hihi.. Moga kite dikurniakan teman hidup yg mampu membimbing kite di dunia dan akhirat.. Amin!
ckp sorg2 : apsal akhir2 ni ak asyik jiwang je ni.. ni sume psl Mr.Yo Seob la nih! hehe..En. Yo Seob yg sgt comel n ceria!!
* thanks google for Yo Seob pic!! Love it so much!!!!
yess!!!i,m first read this post..ecahh,,,so sweet yo seob..like to..huhu..smg ecah ketemu sama llaki yg ecah idamkan..slau berdoa ok...lebiuu ecahh~~
ReplyDeleteok..hope so!!! Amin!! hehe.. same goes to you!! (^_^)
ReplyDeletewah kak...
ReplyDeletemmg suka yo seob sgt nea???
haha..begitulah ceritanye..hihi..^^