Happy Birthday to You!! yea!! selamat hari jadi Ayu!! hahaha.. 19 thn da umur oak yerk!! hehe.. 29 Disember 1991.. ye,itu la tarikh lahir sepupu ak ni.. lahir kt Kampung Sentose je.. x jauh2 pon.. jauh2 susah.. nk cari teksi lagi, hospital lg.. hehe.. ( time tu la..sbb da tak sabar nk tgk dunia..)
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Snowing Heart!
Yeah! im very missed my Precious time! when i was 7! yup! i always heard Spice Girls song! Wannabe! SO COOL!! when i heard that song, i feel energetic! hehe! and not only that, i've got Mama too! yeah! so cool beb!! hrm.. today i've checked up my fb.. and i saw one of my friend wrote on her wall.."its snowing right now!" wah! BESTNYER!! i've never felt to have a snowing! just rain only.. keh3! hrm,really want to go oversea like a Korea or Japan! yeah! want to experience my self with their surrounding! So,from now i kept save my money! haha.. that's one of my dream! also want to go to Disney Land! Tokyo or Paris! hrm.. (start dreaming right now..hehe!) its not be one of criminal if we just dreaming,coz everything we do must start with dreaming right??YEAHH!!! i REALLY want to go there!!
Opps,almost forget! this week i have an exam! so,gotta go! want to study! That's all.. daa..SARANGHAEYO!!
Opps,almost forget! this week i have an exam! so,gotta go! want to study! That's all.. daa..SARANGHAEYO!!
Doctor of Heart!
Hrm..it's raining right now! RAINING.. just like my tears.. hrm.. i love when someone said this.. " I love walk in the rain coz no one knows im crying"! yup! its feel like he doesn't like to share his tears with anyone, but only share his happiness! hrm, sounds like he had a big problem right?and being lonely..
Yeah, sometimes others people dont like to share his tears with someone else.. they just want to keep it as their secret! and i think, for me, its was very HURT!! coz we cannot express our self! if like me, if i want to cry or somethin', i will become passive girl.. just standing there and watch people.. and don't talk too much! and thinking about all my probs.. even when my friends are laughing together, im just smile.. but,not like im used to be before! (usually im the most "mereng"!haha..) so,thats me! but,when i want to fight about sadness! i will try and push my self to do other work like listening to music and drawing cartoon! and dancing as much as i can! to make Im tired and let go of my Sadness!! YURA-YURA!!!
but, when happiness comes! i will becomes like a Crazy girl! haha! always smile to everyone that i meet! and say "hi" to them! haha.. and i will always laugh and laugh even just a simplest thing can make me smile until im tired of Smiling! haha! and i will singing as laud as i can..(but not infront of others..malu la weh!haha..) and lots of "weird" things i will do when this Happiness comes! hahaha! see?laugh again!
but now, im feeling unwell.. so, i have to go! want to meet doctor! ha?really? that's the most i hate! go to Clinic! wish i dont want to there again!! (means i want to be health forever! dont want get any unwell feeling include FLUE!!)
Sunday, November 28, 2010
What's Colour of You?!
Assalamualaikum! ad org x?hehe..
Ari ni ak rajin sket.. x tau nape.. (ak da berubah kot..haha..) ok,abaikan je tentang KERAJINAN ak tu ek..hik3.. hrm,ak ad bce satu buku ni.. about colours! yup, colours can show our personality! as we know,colours is very important in our life! without colours,it make our life feels nothing..look like all same! and accident also will happen coz theres no colours at Traffic Light! see,how powerfull of COLOUR right?! hehe..
Watak-watak dan personaliti seseorg boleh dinilai mengikut pemilihan warna dari segi pakaian, tempat tinggal, kenderaan, hiasan dlmn, n ape2 yg berkaitan. Setiap org mesti ad satu warna favourite dari banyak2 colour kn? So,dari situ la kite boleh lihat watak seseorg berdasarkan favourite n pilihan masing2..let's check it out! (^,<)!
- pemurung.
- selalu menyenangkan.
- selalu bertindak pasif dlm setiap hal.
- mengimpikan ketenangan n ketenteraman.
- selalu mendpt kesulitn dlm pergaulan.
- in Love, anda bijak menyembunyikan persaan! hehe..^^
- kesederhanaan.
- ceria n cergas!
- selalu menyenangkan.
- positif dlm segala hal.
- memberi ketenangan n ketenteraman.
- mampu menghadapi kesulitan dlm pergaulan n Love!
- bijak menyembunyikan perasaan! whoa!
- org yg sgt romantik..(wah! ni yg ak nk cari nih..haha! xdela..)
- suka keindahan.
- tenang dgn alam n udara sejuk n nyaman.
- selalu memegang Prinsip.
- about Love, u always hope "someone" that can be trusted.
- miliki sifat optimis hingga kdg2 x terjangkau!
- periang!
- senang bergaul.
- lemah dalam penampilan.
- suke tolong-menolong sbb bg anda ia satu kewajiban mutlak!
- anda x suke meremehkn org even org tu lemah or blurr! BAGUS!! (^,^)
- luar biasa!
- tentang mase dpn, anda x pernah ragu2, coz bg anda, apa yg dilakukan adlh yg TERBAIK!
- pandai sesuaikn diri.
- In Love, hanya org yg kuat mental je boleh dekat dgn anda and be your Lovers!
- most of perfect!
- org kagumi anda coz sifat anggun, iealis n moralis yg tinggi!
- x pernah angkuh.
- senang menolong sape je yg perlukan bantuan! (BAGUS!)
- sgt lincah n tangkas dlm hal2 tertentu je.
- bile berada dlm lingkungan yg tak disukai, anda akn jadi pasif n murung.
- selalu tmpil menarik n rapi!
- ramai yg cube mendekati anda!
- anda berhati-hati dlm memberi cinta.
- sgt berwibawa.
- senang membantu teman yg lemah.
- tak mudah terpengaruh walaupun byk kawan!
- sukar jatuh cinta.
- Romantik even garang n kasar!
- in Love, anda setia tp umumnye kurang setia except tuk sesuatu kepentingan!
- kurang menghadapi kesulitan sbb anda seorg yg tangkas!
- U always accept the way you are..(^_^)
hehe..sje je nk tulis2 kat blog ni..rse mcm bosan plak..keh3.. (pdhl patutnye ak g bace buku,ni minggu EXAM kn cah! ish3..) tp xpe,bak kate org, rest dulu.. n start new beginning! YEAH!! hrm..lambat gak ak tido mlm ni erk? pehal ek? nak kate ak membebel sorg2, x jugak..hrm.. mungkin ak ad INSOMNIA kot?! ERK?!! xknlah.. haha.. sbb lau skali ak da tido, mcm ular sawa melingkar lepas mkn lembu sekor! hehe! bak kate org kedah, "Ulaq sawaq melingkaq atas pagaq!" hehe.. tol ke tu?haha..ak cme aplikasikn kt blog je lepas dengar dorg selalu dok sebut sal ni..hehe!
Hrm..nak citer sal pe ek?hrm..(ambik mase sejam tuk berpikir) ak rse, ak x tau nk citer sal ape..so,entri ni boleh dikatakan hanyalah bebelan aku semata-mata..hihi! Well,ak pun da mule rse mengantuk ni.. mate pun makin lame makin kuyu.. pendengaran plak makin lame makin jauh n sayup-sayup..(seolah-olah suare yg bergema dlm gua..) and jari-jari pun makin lame makin x larat nk menaip.. makin byk error yg ak buat.. sumenye gara-gara MENGANTUK!! hrm..mengantuk ni mmg bahaye! klu korg rse mengantuk tyme drive, ak nshtkn, berhenti la jap tuk tido.. jgn teruskn perjalanan! sbb bile kite da ngantuk, kite hilang tumpuan..so,klu drive hilang tumpuan??! BAHAYE TU!! sbb takut termasuk lorong bertentangan or mungkin kite terbayang yg kite sebenarnye di Highway, pdhl sbnrnye jalan kampung je..keh3! So,bukak mate luas2, then cakap, tolong!! ak ngantuk!! tampar je ak!! (ak penah buat camni..then,kawan ak tampar ak, tp xde effect pun..sbb ngantuk sgt! haha! cian kawan ak..buat sakit tangan dye je tampar ak! keh3!) hrm..topik mengantuk ni best gak kn klu ak nk citer..byk kisah sal mengantuk nih! tp,nnt jela ak sambung..sbb ak nk tido! tata!
* tp ape kaitan marshmallow ngan entri ak nih?hrm..
hehe..sje je nk tulis2 kat blog ni..rse mcm bosan plak..keh3.. (pdhl patutnye ak g bace buku,ni minggu EXAM kn cah! ish3..) tp xpe,bak kate org, rest dulu.. n start new beginning! YEAH!! hrm..lambat gak ak tido mlm ni erk? pehal ek? nak kate ak membebel sorg2, x jugak..hrm.. mungkin ak ad INSOMNIA kot?! ERK?!! xknlah.. haha.. sbb lau skali ak da tido, mcm ular sawa melingkar lepas mkn lembu sekor! hehe! bak kate org kedah, "Ulaq sawaq melingkaq atas pagaq!" hehe.. tol ke tu?haha..ak cme aplikasikn kt blog je lepas dengar dorg selalu dok sebut sal ni..hehe!
Hrm..nak citer sal pe ek?hrm..(ambik mase sejam tuk berpikir) ak rse, ak x tau nk citer sal ape..so,entri ni boleh dikatakan hanyalah bebelan aku semata-mata..hihi! Well,ak pun da mule rse mengantuk ni.. mate pun makin lame makin kuyu.. pendengaran plak makin lame makin jauh n sayup-sayup..(seolah-olah suare yg bergema dlm gua..) and jari-jari pun makin lame makin x larat nk menaip.. makin byk error yg ak buat.. sumenye gara-gara MENGANTUK!! hrm..mengantuk ni mmg bahaye! klu korg rse mengantuk tyme drive, ak nshtkn, berhenti la jap tuk tido.. jgn teruskn perjalanan! sbb bile kite da ngantuk, kite hilang tumpuan..so,klu drive hilang tumpuan??! BAHAYE TU!! sbb takut termasuk lorong bertentangan or mungkin kite terbayang yg kite sebenarnye di Highway, pdhl sbnrnye jalan kampung je..keh3! So,bukak mate luas2, then cakap, tolong!! ak ngantuk!! tampar je ak!! (ak penah buat camni..then,kawan ak tampar ak, tp xde effect pun..sbb ngantuk sgt! haha! cian kawan ak..buat sakit tangan dye je tampar ak! keh3!) hrm..topik mengantuk ni best gak kn klu ak nk citer..byk kisah sal mengantuk nih! tp,nnt jela ak sambung..sbb ak nk tido! tata!
* tp ape kaitan marshmallow ngan entri ak nih?hrm..
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Monolog Sendiri Je...

Nothing too much to say.. just want to bubling here.. huhu! hrm,now, im at home.. with my grandfather and my grandma.. also with my big bro and my sis,Ana.. (not mysis upsi k..huhu)..now,my sis already sleep..same goes to my grandpa and grandma.. they all sleep very early..now,im just listening to my brother.. KROOH..KROOH..(berdengkur malam2..huhu..kuat gile!) haha..and listening to water dropping from my bathroom and CHIK3!! (sound of lizard) cicak kate betol! huhu..
A very silent night..while others sleeping, im typing on my "NGADE"lappy..(sbb dye suker merajuk!).. want to drink a cup of coffee.. but,all my house were dark right now..so,im afraid..HAHA! (penakut sket..hihi..)afraid to go to kitchen! imagine of everythin' that i watched from HORROR movies before this! huhu.. so, better i'll be with my lappy only..hehe..(^,^)
Hrm,i want to share to you somethin'.. are u love to dance?k-pop dance?haha! me and my friend love to dance! but only at our room..not the outside like club or anything else.. We just dance when we were too happy.. or too stressed! haha! we just dance according from a You Tube.. mostly from K-pop music like 2pm, 4minute, SHInee, BIG BANG, KARA, T-ara and lots more..huhu! i feel that sometimes its a litle bit help when we were stressed..but the first one when we stressed, we must pray to the our creator..Allah s.w.t..Ask for his Forgiveness..maybe we make some mistakes without realize it right?because we just a human being in this earth..
Actually,i love to bubbling on my self.. while im driving, while im walking..haha! but im still normal..huhu..but,its only happen when im in a "Mereng" mood..kui3..hrm,so,i think i had to go..not go to sleep anymore..just want to dreaming..flying to DisneyLand..haha! want to meet Mickey, Snow White, Johnny Deep..(haha...betol ke ak ni)..k la, daa..Salam..
p:s : men tenet je keje ak,study dok lg..ish3!(>,<)n thanks for mr.google for that pic!(^^)
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
kerana ~White Coffee~
huuuu...ak tido lmbt ari ni..skang da pukul 4.17 pagi... camne tah ak ley tido lmbt gini.. nak kate buat assignment,sume da siap... hrmm.. tp mate ak da start ngantuk da ni.. ALAMAK!! esok da blk da.. hrmm...SEDEYNYE...(T.T) ak x tau la nape.. ak rse sayu sgt nk tinggalkan KUO n kawan2 ak.. malas je rse nk blk.. adoi... hrmm... duk kat sini,ley lepak2 ngan kawan..(time free jela..huhu..) ley cari2 gaduh...huhu!(bukan betul2 k..^^)
ha,ni mami nak crita nih..(haha,tetibe je kn..) laptop ak da sewel da.. hardisk rosak! PERGHH!!! nak menangis ak.. bukannye pe,byk gile gmbr dlm laptop ak ni... dari skul mngh smpi la skang.. mmg BERHARGE gile la!! sbb gambar tu bg ak,satu rakaman mase yg tak dpt dibeli oleh sape2 pun..kite x mampu nk berhentikn mase,tp kite hanya mampu rakamkn je saat2 yg lalu.. and that's why ak syg sgt gmbr2 dlm laptop ak ni..Isk3!
tp,mujur la da ok sket..tp,still kene tukar hardisk sbb hardisk da mereng.. nak diceritakan la kn..skang ni musim banjir..Kelantan,Terengganu,Kedah,Perlis..sume kene banjir.. hrmm..COBAAN~~kawan2 ak yg mne duk kt tempat bnjir tu,sume x lepas blk...cian kn?hrm..sabar jela..nak wat camne..kat tempat ak dulu pun pernah gak kene banjir...(pahang)..tahun 2007 kot tak silap ak.. mmg besar la! ak naik bot tu,tibe2 ad signboard kt tgh2 sungai..(padahal jalanraya yg tenggelam smpi nmpk signboard je..huhu)..rse mcm sungai da maju da..mcm pengangkutan utama plak..kui3!
tp,bnjir ni mmg byk yg x best,terutama pada mangsa banjir la..dorg terpakse duk ramai2..mne yg ad anak tu,lagi kecian..kat baby..hrmm...yela,baby kene la duk kat tempat bersih2.. bile da duk ramai2,penyakit pun merebak la kn.. batuk la,selsema la..mcm2... COBAAN~~ alhamdulillah stkt ni umah tok ak tak kene lg..sbb umah tok ak pun kawasan penempatan mangsa2 banjir time2 dulu..so,klu umah tok ak kene,im SPEECHLESS!! sbb kwsn umah tok ak berbukit-bukau..x dpt nk bygkan! EE...
ala,esok balik ke???ulang suara..esok balik ke??HAH??hrmm..kawan2,ak rindu r nak gadoh2 ngan korg..(ish,nape ak ni..emo tetibe..)hrm,xpela.. jika diizinkan Allah,dpt lg kite bergurau senda..Insyaallah..kalau x,jgn lupe kirimkn Yassin untukku~~
k,la..ak ni slalu mengarut..so,ape ditunggu lg! my lovin' bed is calling!!!YEPPI!! Time to sleep! Gud nite for me,and Good Morning For You!! Tata...
ha,ni mami nak crita nih..(haha,tetibe je kn..) laptop ak da sewel da.. hardisk rosak! PERGHH!!! nak menangis ak.. bukannye pe,byk gile gmbr dlm laptop ak ni... dari skul mngh smpi la skang.. mmg BERHARGE gile la!! sbb gambar tu bg ak,satu rakaman mase yg tak dpt dibeli oleh sape2 pun..kite x mampu nk berhentikn mase,tp kite hanya mampu rakamkn je saat2 yg lalu.. and that's why ak syg sgt gmbr2 dlm laptop ak ni..Isk3!
tp,mujur la da ok sket..tp,still kene tukar hardisk sbb hardisk da mereng.. nak diceritakan la kn..skang ni musim banjir..Kelantan,Terengganu,Kedah,Perlis..sume kene banjir.. hrmm..COBAAN~~kawan2 ak yg mne duk kt tempat bnjir tu,sume x lepas blk...cian kn?hrm..sabar jela..nak wat camne..kat tempat ak dulu pun pernah gak kene banjir...(pahang)..tahun 2007 kot tak silap ak.. mmg besar la! ak naik bot tu,tibe2 ad signboard kt tgh2 sungai..(padahal jalanraya yg tenggelam smpi nmpk signboard je..huhu)..rse mcm sungai da maju da..mcm pengangkutan utama plak..kui3!
tp,bnjir ni mmg byk yg x best,terutama pada mangsa banjir la..dorg terpakse duk ramai2..mne yg ad anak tu,lagi kecian..kat baby..hrmm...yela,baby kene la duk kat tempat bersih2.. bile da duk ramai2,penyakit pun merebak la kn.. batuk la,selsema la..mcm2... COBAAN~~ alhamdulillah stkt ni umah tok ak tak kene lg..sbb umah tok ak pun kawasan penempatan mangsa2 banjir time2 dulu..so,klu umah tok ak kene,im SPEECHLESS!! sbb kwsn umah tok ak berbukit-bukau..x dpt nk bygkan! EE...
ala,esok balik ke???ulang suara..esok balik ke??HAH??hrmm..kawan2,ak rindu r nak gadoh2 ngan korg..(ish,nape ak ni..emo tetibe..)hrm,xpela.. jika diizinkan Allah,dpt lg kite bergurau senda..Insyaallah..kalau x,jgn lupe kirimkn Yassin untukku~~
k,la..ak ni slalu mengarut..so,ape ditunggu lg! my lovin' bed is calling!!!YEPPI!! Time to sleep! Gud nite for me,and Good Morning For You!! Tata...
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Melankolik Hati!

hrmm..why im being so cruel??!! i just..HUH!! dont know how to describe my feeling right now.. but i feel very sad with my self! how could i do that to her?? NO!! i dont know why im being cruel like this! PLEASE!! someone.. i need your advice! make me a responsible girl! i know that i was wrong to make her like that.. but,at least, she could say something.. dont just look like u dont know anything!
im try to act cool to you..being nice to you.. but YOU? if u cant take care about our feelings, why cant you take care about your heart! PLEASE.. if u want to do something,think first! then,DO! Hrmm..im so emo right now.. i'll take care you as friend..so,just take care of your self.. dont make people worried about you.. Be a good girl,not as a girl that always do her own ways without take care of others people heart.. Thanks for all that u had done to me.. Now i know it and where I'm stand..
Like A Pyramid! Ottoke??

hrmm...yeah! like a Pyramid right?this is a song by Charice..haha! this is the second song that i love after Billionaire by Travie Mccoy..hehe..u want to know why?because this song is miming by 2 cute litle kids! haha..the same kids that miming of "Billionaire"..hehe..LOVE IT!!!about Charice,i thought she was like Beyonce,but her face like a Asian..haha..great right?haha! hrmm..when i think about those couple of litle kids that miming this song,i felt a litle afraid coz since they were kids,they know how to speak in English! erk??(felt ashamed for my self coz my English is bad..)how can i teach a student when they speaking English to me?hrm..better I'll find solve for this problem from now..FIGHTING!!(^0^)
Last night, i have a class for presention of poster,so,my lecturer bring her son too..his name is Nafeez..whoa! he was so cute! and that's not the point that i want to tell to you..but i want to tell you that he can speak English very fluent! WHOA!! and he's only seven! a big difference age with me..and me?just know speak a litle bit..hrmm..(feel ashamed want to talk with him! but im tryin my best! just like im understand what he said!haha!) So,thats why my friend and i want to speak English when we meet..coz we can trained our tounge to speak fluently..hope so!! He said that,he will go to Hong Kong Disneyland after this..whoa..(second BOOM!! for my self! coz i doesnt had reached there!)wish i can go there too..with my own money! haha! FLYING TO SEOUL!!!hehe..want to meet 2pm oppa!!
Ottoke??hrm,gwenchannayo...just want to share a litle bit for those that read my Blog..(^,^) Please pray for my success for this final exam! so nervous!! ARGHH!! just tryin' be a coolest girl ever! (even it's not!haha!) k, Take Your Time! with Old Time White Coffee!(^^)
hrmm...yeah! like a Pyramid right?this is a song by Charice..haha! this is the second song that i love after Billionaire by Travie Mccoy..hehe..u want to know why?because this song is miming by 2 cute litle kids! haha..the same kids that miming of "Billionaire"..hehe..LOVE IT!!!about Charice,i thought she was like Beyonce,but her face like a Asian..haha..great right?haha! hrmm..when i think about those couple of litle kids that miming this song,i felt a litle afraid coz since they were kids,they know how to speak in English! erk??(felt ashamed for my self coz my English is bad..)how can i teach a student when they speaking English to me?hrm..better I'll find solve for this problem from now..FIGHTING!!(^0^)
Last night, i have a class for presention of poster,so,my lecturer bring her son too..his name is Nafeez..whoa! he was so cute! and that's not the point that i want to tell to you..but i want to tell you that he can speak English very fluent! WHOA!! and he's only seven! a big difference age with me..and me?just know speak a litle bit..hrmm..(feel ashamed want to talk with him! but im tryin my best! just like im understand what he said!haha!) So,thats why my friend and i want to speak English when we meet..coz we can trained our tounge to speak fluently..hope so!! He said that,he will go to Hong Kong Disneyland after this..whoa..(second BOOM!! for my self! coz i doesnt had reached there!)wish i can go there too..with my own money! haha! FLYING TO SEOUL!!!hehe..want to meet 2pm oppa!!
Ottoke??hrm,gwenchannayo...just want to share a litle bit for those that read my Blog..(^,^) Please pray for my success for this final exam! so nervous!! ARGHH!! just tryin' be a coolest girl ever! (even it's not!haha!) k, Take Your Time! with Old Time White Coffee!(^^)
Saturday, October 23, 2010
T.I.R.E.D! Erk??!!

Salam..is anybody there??(^,^)
hrmm..yeah..tired right?hrm,im tired too..so much work has to finish..become like a zombie in this campus life..hihi..im so tired right now! VERY TIRED! badan ak pun da skt2 da ni..lenguh sane,lenguh sini..otak pun da lenguh! (adoi,becoh2..oak ni x lasak langsung ye! ni baru permulaan je..xkn da nak pengsan kot..tunggu ending r baru pengsan..bru dramatik sket..)monolog jap..(^^)
semalam, balik je dari studio..kul 3 pagi..balik2 je,basuh kaki, terus pengsan!(tido) pergh!! mujur la da solat Isyak ngan nabil and kinah..Alhamdulillah..kalau x,ak rse mesti ak da terskip solat mcm subuh td..adoi..mmg x sedar pape..ak dgr2 da azan..bru nak bangun g solat..ingatkan azan subuh,rupenye da Zohor!!!ERK??what can i do,rice has become porridge..huhu..(ape la bi ak ni kn..main hentam je..)
walaupun ak da tido punye la lame,tp KEPENATAN tu masih ad..pening kepale..adoi..x usah nak kabo la..kih3..now,im infront of my laptop..doing my work..eh,silap..doing fb..haha! release tension sat..tgk gambar2 anime..checking my mail, listening to Taylor Swift, eating..haha..and all that stuff i do it happily..hahaha!tanpa rasa bersalah..(sbb keje x siap lg kn..>,<)hihi..pastu,chat with my family..mirul,ayu and mokcu..Si Kenik tu tgh mandi rupenye(mirul,my cousin)..best sgt dye mandi..almaklumlah,da pandai berjalan..da pandai gurau2..haha..mesti riuh rendah kat umah kn?hrm..bestnye!and ayu lak,layan je si kenik tu,mmg x lepas tgn la..lepas je,mmg mcm Discovery Channel la..sume tempat dye discovery..mende yg x patut jumpe pun dye jumpe..
hrm..want to upload picture,but, im felt so lazy..my room also like country yg bru pas berperang..sepah gile2! sape2 yg tengok konfem terkejut and kate "erk,ni bilik ke stor?" mmg sepah la..haha!(pemalas tul ak ni..)kalau lah ak ni nobita,mesti ak mintak tolong Doraemon bg alat kat ak..senang sket keje ak..haha! tp,nak wat camne, doraemon duk jauh sgt, kat Jepun tu..hrmm..
ha,haven't you heard Bosson's song?One in a Million?haa..best kn lagu tu.."u 1 in a Million, u once in a life time!" bestnye kalau pacar gue nyanyi camni kat gue,tp jgn la stkt nyanyi je..amalkanlah..haha! (berangan je ak ni..mne keje x siap..)orait2, dah! fuh, penat da..mengarut pun penat..kih3..ak nk g berkarya ni, nak lukis kartun sat..and finish my work..nampaknye,KETENSIONan akan dtg jap lg..so,ak kene persiapkan diri ak dgn weapon2 yg hebat! biar TENSION tu dapat ditewaskn..haha..10-0!!
Enjoying Linkin Park song..Breaking the habit! hopefully i can breaking the habit..only the bad habit..tata..Sayonara!(^,^)
Apple of Eyes,
Saturday, October 16, 2010
NOT Sleepy??
huhu..haha..hihi..this is the first time that im not sleepy at all! whoa.. i dont know why im not sleepy, but i guess maybe its because im at studio and wearing my spectacles..(^,^) hrm,doing my stained glass work! so tired! but,im still have to do it.. now,im rest.. hehe.. updated my blog! hihi.. my friend all here were sleeping while others was happy with their laptop..hrmm.. dont know what they're doing..but, some of them doing assignment..and some of them had flying to "Disney Land"! hehe..^^
hrmm..i was so lazy to do my work right now.. but,im still have to do it coz most all of them must be submit by tomorrow! OH NO!!!im so LAZY!!! hish!! now, im at studio..right now,5.38am in the morning..whoa..x lame lg subuh da..hrmm..pastu pagi ni blk kolej..hihi.. the first i want to do is,jump to my lovin bed!!hehe!! YEAH!!(^,^).. my lecturer already left this class..but, i respected him because he was so hardworking! willing to sleep at studio too!! MEMANG RESPECT R!!
hrm, nak kongsi sket..keje byk sbnrnye..ni nak sebut keje 1 per 1.. mula2,keje poster! kene ubah background.. then,packeging.. x siap langsung lagi tu.. kene anto isnin ni gak! pastu, folio olahraga..ALAMAK!! lagi la..huhu.. n the most scarier!guess what! my drawing and proposal not finish yet! and it has to been show to my lecturer this Monday!! HURGHH!! abis la den...(@.@) lagi 1,lagi 1, kenegaraan..alamak!! isnin ni la ad presentation.. tu pun x siap and tak get ready langsung! PERGHH!! pengsan la ak camni..huhuhu..
k,la..i think i have to go now..da masuk solat subuh da ni..k,tata..see yaa!!
hrmm..i was so lazy to do my work right now.. but,im still have to do it coz most all of them must be submit by tomorrow! OH NO!!!im so LAZY!!! hish!! now, im at studio..right now,5.38am in the morning..whoa..x lame lg subuh da..hrmm..pastu pagi ni blk kolej..hihi.. the first i want to do is,jump to my lovin bed!!hehe!! YEAH!!(^,^).. my lecturer already left this class..but, i respected him because he was so hardworking! willing to sleep at studio too!! MEMANG RESPECT R!!
hrm, nak kongsi sket..keje byk sbnrnye..ni nak sebut keje 1 per 1.. mula2,keje poster! kene ubah background.. then,packeging.. x siap langsung lagi tu.. kene anto isnin ni gak! pastu, folio olahraga..ALAMAK!! lagi la..huhu.. n the most scarier!guess what! my drawing and proposal not finish yet! and it has to been show to my lecturer this Monday!! HURGHH!! abis la den...(@.@) lagi 1,lagi 1, kenegaraan..alamak!! isnin ni la ad presentation.. tu pun x siap and tak get ready langsung! PERGHH!! pengsan la ak camni..huhuhu..
k,la..i think i have to go now..da masuk solat subuh da ni..k,tata..see yaa!!
Friday, October 15, 2010
I want to be Billionaire!

hehe..im back! Salam..
hehe..im just so bored here..everyday have to do the same thing..but,sometimes i was very enjoyed about it! love to hanging out with my friends! dancing and singing together..eat together..laughing together! whoa!! its the best thing in my life! haha.. hope this feelin' will last forever!
okeit, about my title,I WANT TO BE BILLIONAIRE! hehe.. i know everybody want to be billionaire right..? we can buy all the things that we like, and we can go to anywhere that we want! whoa!! BEST GILER!! actually, its was a song..BILLIONAIRE..by Travie Mccoy..i fell in love with this song when i saw and heard a couple of kids miming for this song.. hehe.. lawak gile..but its was my favourite right now!!(^_^)
if i'll be billionaire, i want go to all over the world! and buy all things that i like! and i will make my country the best country in the world! hehe.. and if u be billionaire, whats the 1st thing you do when you be billionaire??hehe..theres must be a lot things to do right?same goes to me...(^_^)
and the second song that become my favourite right now is "Our Song" by Taylor Swift..hehe.. i love this song coz i felt that this song is related to me..when the lyrics said "and you talk real slow,coz its late and your mama dont know!" hehe.. i fell in love with this part! love Taylor!!(^,^)
hrmm,now im enjoying my favourite song! but, i also love k-pop! the most best k-pop band is 2pm! haha! and BIG BANG! haha..SHInee also awesome! especially in the Ring Ding Dong and Juliette..Lucifer is like techtonic..
k la,i have to go now..want to solat..see ya again! DAA!!(^_^) Salam..
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Fly To Seoul!
[Junho] o jebal malliji marajwo
Naegen ajikdo manhi boyeojulge inneunde
Nollaji malgo hamkkehaebwa
Negeman gamchwoon geol dajulkke
[Chansung] nan honjaseo raepdohae noraedo chumdo chwo
Gamchwowatdeon nal boyeojulge yeogie da moyeo
Neodo nawa jeulgyeobwa ppar~riIsungan neorwihan pa~tiLet's get along, come in. jamdeulji annneun I dosi
[Junsu] Fly to Seoul nawa Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Boom Boom Boom hamkke jeulgyeo sinnage bamsaedorok
Fly to Seoul nawa Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Boom Boom Boom hamkke jeulgyeo sinnage bamsaedorok
Dugeun dugeun dugeun dugeun dugeun daeneun nat
Panjjak panjjak panjjak panjjak panjjak ineun bam
Neoman neoman neoman neoman neoman julge nal
Welcome to Seoul again & again
24 eonjena saeroun nareulbwa
24 hanbeondo neukkiji motan nareul oh yeah
[Taecyeon] Come enjoy Seoul Fly to city Seoul
Nan ojik neoui eneoji ne sarmui yuireun naji
Wanna get wanna get wanna get yo.
Igoseun neol wihan jari
Lets get along, come in.Jamdeulji annneun I dosi
[Junsu] Fly to Seoul nawa
Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Boom Boom Boom hamkke jeulgyeo sinnage bamsaedorok
Fly to Seoul nawa Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Boom Boom Boom hamkke jeulgyeo sinnage bamsaedorok
Dugeun dugeun dugeun dugeun dugeun daeneun nat
Panjjak panjjak panjjak panjjak panjjak ineun bam
Neoman neoman neoman neoman neoman julge nal
Welcome to Seoul again & again
[Chansung] eonjena bangyeojulge
24 sigan hamkkehae hamkkehaeS.E.O.U.L eoseo nara olla Baby come to me
[Junho] Fly to Seoul himkkeot narabwa(Your dream will come true)
Fly to Seoul deonopi. Whatever you want
[Junsu] Fly to Seoul nawa Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Boom Boom Boom hamkke jeulgyeo sinnage bamsaedorok
Fly to Seoul nawa Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Boom Boom Boom hamkke jeulgyeo sinnage bamsaedorok
Dugeun dugeun dugeun dugeun dugeun daeneun nat
Panjjak panjjak panjjak panjjak panjjak ineun bam
Neoman neoman neoman neoman neoman julge nal
Welcome to Seoul again & again
Whoa!!i wish i can fly to Seoul!!2pm!!Saranghaeyo!!(^0^)
Naegen ajikdo manhi boyeojulge inneunde
Nollaji malgo hamkkehaebwa
Negeman gamchwoon geol dajulkke
[Chansung] nan honjaseo raepdohae noraedo chumdo chwo
Gamchwowatdeon nal boyeojulge yeogie da moyeo
Neodo nawa jeulgyeobwa ppar~riIsungan neorwihan pa~tiLet's get along, come in. jamdeulji annneun I dosi
[Junsu] Fly to Seoul nawa Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Boom Boom Boom hamkke jeulgyeo sinnage bamsaedorok
Fly to Seoul nawa Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Boom Boom Boom hamkke jeulgyeo sinnage bamsaedorok
Dugeun dugeun dugeun dugeun dugeun daeneun nat
Panjjak panjjak panjjak panjjak panjjak ineun bam
Neoman neoman neoman neoman neoman julge nal
Welcome to Seoul again & again
24 eonjena saeroun nareulbwa
24 hanbeondo neukkiji motan nareul oh yeah
[Taecyeon] Come enjoy Seoul Fly to city Seoul
Nan ojik neoui eneoji ne sarmui yuireun naji
Wanna get wanna get wanna get yo.
Igoseun neol wihan jari
Lets get along, come in.Jamdeulji annneun I dosi
[Junsu] Fly to Seoul nawa
Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Boom Boom Boom hamkke jeulgyeo sinnage bamsaedorok
Fly to Seoul nawa Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Boom Boom Boom hamkke jeulgyeo sinnage bamsaedorok
Dugeun dugeun dugeun dugeun dugeun daeneun nat
Panjjak panjjak panjjak panjjak panjjak ineun bam
Neoman neoman neoman neoman neoman julge nal
Welcome to Seoul again & again
[Chansung] eonjena bangyeojulge
24 sigan hamkkehae hamkkehaeS.E.O.U.L eoseo nara olla Baby come to me
[Junho] Fly to Seoul himkkeot narabwa(Your dream will come true)
Fly to Seoul deonopi. Whatever you want
[Junsu] Fly to Seoul nawa Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Boom Boom Boom hamkke jeulgyeo sinnage bamsaedorok
Fly to Seoul nawa Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Boom Boom Boom hamkke jeulgyeo sinnage bamsaedorok
Dugeun dugeun dugeun dugeun dugeun daeneun nat
Panjjak panjjak panjjak panjjak panjjak ineun bam
Neoman neoman neoman neoman neoman julge nal
Welcome to Seoul again & again
Whoa!!i wish i can fly to Seoul!!2pm!!Saranghaeyo!!(^0^)
Friday, August 27, 2010
Something happen with my heart...
Even though I tell it not to go,
Even though I tell it to stop
My heart keeps going towards you
It doesn’t wear out, it doesn’t decrease
Why is my love like this
One by one, I count and count the memories
My heart can’t rest for even a moment
It’ll just become baggage that becomes hard to control
Why can’t I even throw them away
Really, my heart must have done something somehow
I must have become a fool that’s blind from love
Just one place, everyday one place
Looking at the sad light that is you
Even the tear glands must be broken
My tears won’t stopI love only you, only you
Can’t you just tell me?
Even if I hold out my hands,
No matter how much I call out
You’re always far from meIt’ll be a love that becomes painful scars
Why can’t I erase it
Really, my heart must have done something somehow
I must have become a fool that’s blind from love
Just one place, everyday one place
Looking at the sad light that is you
Even the tear glands must be broken
My tears won’t stopJust one word, the one phrase that you love
Can’t you just tell me?
I try to comfort myself with the lie
That I’m happy if you just smile
Because the place you’re going towards is not me
The lonely tears flow
Really, my heart must have done something somehow
must have gone crazy over this hard love
Can’t have you, can’t forget you
Waiting for you day by day
I must have gotten ill from missing you so much
From loving you too much
Just one thing, your heart, that one thing
Can’t you just share it with me
Can’t you love me
Even though I tell it to stop
My heart keeps going towards you
It doesn’t wear out, it doesn’t decrease
Why is my love like this
One by one, I count and count the memories
My heart can’t rest for even a moment
It’ll just become baggage that becomes hard to control
Why can’t I even throw them away
Really, my heart must have done something somehow
I must have become a fool that’s blind from love
Just one place, everyday one place
Looking at the sad light that is you
Even the tear glands must be broken
My tears won’t stopI love only you, only you
Can’t you just tell me?
Even if I hold out my hands,
No matter how much I call out
You’re always far from meIt’ll be a love that becomes painful scars
Why can’t I erase it
Really, my heart must have done something somehow
I must have become a fool that’s blind from love
Just one place, everyday one place
Looking at the sad light that is you
Even the tear glands must be broken
My tears won’t stopJust one word, the one phrase that you love
Can’t you just tell me?
I try to comfort myself with the lie
That I’m happy if you just smile
Because the place you’re going towards is not me
The lonely tears flow
Really, my heart must have done something somehow
must have gone crazy over this hard love
Can’t have you, can’t forget you
Waiting for you day by day
I must have gotten ill from missing you so much
From loving you too much
Just one thing, your heart, that one thing
Can’t you just share it with me
Can’t you love me
Thursday, August 5, 2010
This is a story about a girl named Lucky
Early morning, she wakes up
Knock, knock, knock on the door
It's time for makeup, perfect smile
It's you they're all waiting for
They go "Isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl?"
And they says
She's so lucky, she's a star
But she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart,
If there's nothing missing in my life
Then why do these tears come at night
Lost in an image, in a dream
But there's no one there to wake her up
And the world is spinning, and she keeps on winning
But tell me what happens when it stops?
They go "Isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl?"
And they say
[Repeat CHORUS]
"Best actress, and the winner is "Lucky!"
"I'm Roger Johnson for Pop News standing outside the arena waiting for Lucky""Oh my god!here she comes!
"Isn't she lucky, this Hollywood girl?She is so lucky, but why does she cry?
If there's nothing missing in her life
Why do tears come at night?
Early morning, she wakes up
Knock, knock, knock on the door
It's time for makeup, perfect smile
It's you they're all waiting for
They go "Isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl?"
And they says
She's so lucky, she's a star
But she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart,
If there's nothing missing in my life
Then why do these tears come at night
Lost in an image, in a dream
But there's no one there to wake her up
And the world is spinning, and she keeps on winning
But tell me what happens when it stops?
They go "Isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl?"
And they say
[Repeat CHORUS]
"Best actress, and the winner is "Lucky!"
"I'm Roger Johnson for Pop News standing outside the arena waiting for Lucky""Oh my god!here she comes!
"Isn't she lucky, this Hollywood girl?She is so lucky, but why does she cry?
If there's nothing missing in her life
Why do tears come at night?
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Now,it has been 4 weeks my mother passed away...
Ak rse sedih sgt atas pemergian arwah..tp dlm mse yg same,ak bersyukur kerana mak ak tak perlu lagi menderita kerana penyakit yg dihidapinya iaitu KANSER USUS! walaupun ak terkilan sbb arwah xdpt tgk ak convocation 2014 nnt,but i'll try my best to show her my best! luckyly,she know that i've has been chosen to continue my study at UPSI in art. That was her hope to see me succeed in my life and help my litle brother and sister...
The last day that she was passed away,she seems like she know that she will "go'' soon..Cancer that she carried cannot be fight anymore because it has been spread to all her internal important organ such as lungs,heart,ovari and pankreas! Its was in stage 4!!i was very sad at that time,but i've pretend to be cool in front of my siblings and my relative..but actually,its very kill me inside!!
The day that she goes is at Hospital Besar Kuantan. before this,she had said to my auntie that she want to die at Kuantan. and now,her wish become true..hrmm..All i can do is just pray for my mother and hope she will be in Allah Bless..
All i want to say here is,I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!and i will fight this life for her and for my self!!
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